Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Roasted Green Tomatos

I grew up loving the days of fall when my mom, Arkansan born and raised, would make fried green tomatoes. You can only eat them fresh-if you freeze them, they turn to mush and you need the firm texture for it to work. So, a couple of nights ago, I was roasting veggies (potatoes, carrots, squash) and I still had some space in the pan... and some green plum tomatoes. Decided to try to roast them along with the others. Success!! Basically, 400 deg., 1 hour, olive oil, coarse sea salt, chunks of green tomatoes, skin-side down.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fairy Cakes

Since my friend Louise gave me Nigella's newest (and autographed) book for Christmas, I have become a Nigella groupie! Stuffed Baked Pumpkin! Ham with Coke (Coca Cola, that is), Moon Blush Tomatoes, and so many great recipe ideas.... My latest that I'm about to try are fairy cakes... I am obsessed with Bent Spoon cupcakes so must try these... today ...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lindsey's college has amazing food - so good that I have been subscribing to its daily menu to get ideas for dinner. However, for some reason, Linds seems to find amazing-looking recipes to try: for example this breakfast egg dish.

It's making me hungry!